Release Battle For Sevastopol in Top Video Format.
Now you can see Battle For Sevastopol in best look with duration 110 Min and was published in 2015-04-02 and MPAA rating is 11.- Original Title : Битва за Севастополь
- Movie title in your country : Battle For Sevastopol
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Romance, War, Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-04-02
- Companies of movie : Kinodel,
- Countries of movie : Ukraine, Russia,
- Language of movie : Pусский,
- Durationof movie : 110 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.9
- Youtube ID of movie : PKSxTsuCQ4I
- Translation of movie : EN,RU,ES,EL,ZH,PT,
- Actors of movie :Vitaliy Linetskiy (), Nikita Tarasov (), Joan Blackham (), Yevgeni Tsyganov (), Anatoly Kot (), Sebastian Anton (), Yulia Peresild (), Sergey Puskepalis ()
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Movie summary of Battle For Sevastopol :
Full Battle For Sevastopol in HD Quality with movie synopsis "The breakout of the war shatters the world of a young student, Lyudmila Pavlichenko, forcing her to enlist in the army in 1941. The maiden turns out to be a natural-born sniper, her impressive skill and prowess make her stand out among men and women alike. Seeing Pavlichenko as a tangible threat, the German High Command gives orders to eliminate the girl whatever the cost. In the meanwhile, Lyudmila meets a man and falls in love. War fades into the background... Soon, however, another misfortune befalls Lyudmila leaving the man she loves on the brink of death and herself seriously wounded. The girl is pulled out of combat and later goes to the United States with a publicity visit. Eleanor Roosevelt welcomes Lyudmila in the White House and the two women soon become close. It won't be long before Pavlichenko stands before an audience in Chicago pressing for a second front. Will her words have the capacity to change the course of war?" in HD video. Full Length of Battle For Sevastopol in HD Video by clicking the button above.
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Director : Sergei Mokritsky, Writer : Maksim Dankevich, Writer : Leonid Korin, Writer : Egor Olesov, Writer : Maksim Budarin
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